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This course is specifically designed as an introductory course into game design for young kids. Kodu Game Lab is a visual programming language that allows anyone, without programming knowledge and skills, to create cool 3D games.


What does this course cover:


Through hands on experience students will


  • Develop a basic understanding of algorithms.

  • Program their characters and build 3D worlds.

  • Understand key elements of games design.

  • Create cool 3D games that they will be able to share and play with friends.


Let's create your first game!

Introduction to Game Design with Kodu

Course Ages: 8-10

No prior programming knowledge is required

5 Weeks

All materials & equipment are provided

© 2019 CyberLaunch Academy

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CyberLaunch Academy provides high quality interactive hands-on courses for children and adults to learn coding, robotics, animation, security and much more. 





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